12/13/2017 Endoscopy

I've been having trouble swallowing.  I've choked on my medication a few times, and on food.  I now take my pills with applesauce (I was using milk, but that stopped working).  I had a swallow test done, which showed some spillage.  Yesterday I had an upper endoscopy.  I arrived at the hospital at 7:00am for the 8:00am procedure.  After I changed into a hospital gown, they put me on a gurney, then a nurse inserted an IV.  After a few minutes, I was wheeled down the hall.  They put an oxygen tube in my nose, then the anesthesiologist put something into my IV.  He said was a numbing agent, because whatever he was giving me next may have a burning sensation.  Then I was asked to turn onto my side, and a nurse put the mouthpiece in.  I rested there waiting for a few minutes, then I was waking up in the recovery room.   Done.  I don't remember the anesthesiologist giving me anything else.  After I got dressed, I waited for the doctor to come in with the results.  She didn't see anything in my throat, so wants me to have a CT scan done of my throat and then follow up with a doctor in the Otolaryngology department.  She also told me that she saw something red in my stomach, so did a biopsy.  What she didn't need to do was to give me pictures of the inside of my throat and my stomach.  Yuck.  😊  So, we'll wait for the results of the biopsy, and combine the throat CT scan with my regular, every-three-month chest/abdomen/pelvis CT scan.  I'll let you know the results when I get them.

I felt fine after I left the hopsital, just still very tired.  I thought I would be fine in a few hours.  I climbed into bed as soon as I got home.  Was it late morning, early afternoon?  I don't remember.  I woke up a few times, was able to eat a little dinner (soft foods, as per instructions), and stayed in bed waking every few hours until my alarm went off this morning.

Now to schedule those tests....


  1. Update as of December 19, 2017. Biopsy shows "no significant pathology". Great news!


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