June 28 and 29 2018 medical appointment updates

So, you saw my post about Wednesday's cardiology appointment. Since then, this:

Thursday morning I went to the dental school in Baltimore to pick up my temporary partial. I drove myself. Had to stop once to rest my eyes and stretch. Overall it was a great appointment, even though the student I was seeing graduated and will no longer be there. I stopped for a quick lunch on the way home, and another doctor's appointment. I need to see my gynecologist yearly not just for the regular reasons, but because with Tamoxifen I'm at risk for ovarian cancer.  Everything was fine at that appointment,  nothing to worry about.  Thursday was a full, long day.

Yesterday, I had a 1:30 appointment with my new dental team. I have a friend who is not a dental hygienist like I thought, but is a CDA (Certified Dental Assistant), who does so much more than a hygienist does. I had never thought to go to her dental office because it's in DC. Well, with my health issues, not being incredibly happy with my (now former) dental office, and the student at the dental school graduating, I thought it a good time to transition. I figure that I'm driving to Georgetown for great cancer treatment, I can drive half that distance for great dental care.  It's not such a bad drive after all.  It's not far over the South Capitol Street Bridge, and the traffic is super easy.  

I had hesitated also because she's a friend, she's someone I know.  I was embarrassed to have her see the state of my teeth, how horrible they were.  That was my mistake.  On the other hand, and the hand that finally won over, I trust her implicity, and the dentist that she works with by extention.  I know that she would never do work that wasn't needed.  She knows what a baby I am when it comes to going to the dentist.  

What a smart move it was. I was so incredible comfortable in that chair yesterday.  They, the two of them working together, checked on how the healing was going where the front four teeth were pulled about a month ago.  They made adjustments to my temporary partial to make sure it was comfortable.  They looked at everything, and decided on the first move.  They ended up putting fillings in two teeth, and doing a root canal on another (and a filling in that one, too, maybe?).  I left that office a little sore -- nothing a few Advil didn't take care of, but feeling incredibly good.  When I looked in the mirror -- Wow.  My smile looks sooooo much better.  It's still a work in progress (my next appointment will involve I think two more root canals) but I already a huge improvement. Not just cosmetically, either.  I didn't realize there was pain in those teeth until I ceased to feel it.  I guess I had just gotten used to it.

After I arrived home, around 6pm, I glanced at the display in the van.  Turns out that over those three days, I was behind the wheel for seven and a half hours and 247 miles.  No wonder I'm tired today.  Didn't even eat dinner last night.  Took my meds and went to bed.  Woke up a few times this morning and went right back to sleep.  Finally dragged  my lazy butt out of bed around 12:30.  I think it'll be a resting/knitting/reading kind of day today.

If you're looking for a dentist in the DC area, I highly recommend Capitol Hill Dental Group, especially Dr. Lindsay Woods, and Melissa Powell, CDA.


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