So, I think you all know that there's this wonderful lady out there who provides spa services, complimentary, to cancer patients (
Joy Johnson, of Nails & Faces of Joy Spa). Today, she was interviewed on our local morning news program. I was with her, as a client who receives these services.
I was a little stressed about driving from home to Arlington in rush hour, before sunrise. Luckily, the remnants of Hurricane Michael passed through overnight, so it wasn't raining. I left my house at 5:15am, to ensure I'd be there on time even if something happened to mess up traffic. I made it there in about an hour. So, I set my alarm for 7:30 in case I dozed off, and rested in the van in the parking garage until it was time to go up.

So, finally it was time to go upstairs. We met up in the lobby, checked in at the front desk, and waited for our escort, Nakea Simon. She was super nice. She took us, and some other guests, up to the green room.
Joy Bauer was one of the other guests. She was super nice, too. Her segment aired just before ours.
Then it was time. Ms. Simon escorted us to the studio, where a very nice gentleman (I'm sorry, I did not catch his name) prepared us with microphones. Now it was becoming surreal. We were led into where we would be interviewed, and sat on a couch. We watched the end of Joy Bauer's segment, then it was our turn. They moved the couch over during commercial break (kind of fun; we stayed on the couch for the ride 😃), then
Eileen Whelan, our interviewer, joined us. Surreal. She chatted with us during the commercial break, putting us at ease.
Honestly, I don't remember much of the conversation. Did I say surreal? Here's a link to it, if you'd like to watch:

Then, just like that, it was over. We went back to the green room, and Joy Bauer was still there, waiting for us to finish so that we could take a picture with her (I had asked her earlier, but she hadn't had time; how cool is it that she waited for us?!). I told her about how, when I stayed at home during the day years ago, my sister would call me (from her hospital bed) every Monday when the Joy Fit Club segment aired on the Today Show and say, "Are you watching?!" It was always inspirational. We chatted a bit, then it was time to go. I drove to work, and resumed my normal routine. 😊

It was a fabulous day. On top of helping spread Joy Johnson's mission, today is my 22nd wedding anniversary. 22 years with a fabulous man. Today is a good day.
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