Gym -- Week 9 Recap

Monday --  Travel day.  In the car all day coming home from vacation.

Tuesday --  Having gotten home from a road trip last night, today was filled with sleeping in, unpacking, laundry, and resting.  Back to reality tomorrow.

Wednesday -- Made it to the gym this afternoon.  I got in 40 minutes on the recumbent bike, at a steady pace (no hill program today), followed by 60 minutes on the treadmill, at a steady 2.2mph, no incline.  Slept the rest of the day.

Thursday --  Today was treatment day, with a few other appointments thrown in.  I set my MapMyWalk app when I left the hospital garage, with the automatic pause setting on.  I turned it back off when I got back to the garage to get my van to go home.  I left my house at 6:45am, returned home at 6pm, and in all that time, only had about 32 minutes of total walking time.  Here's the screenshot.   All of the walking was within the hospital.

...and this is the portion of the program when I start rebelling.  Not intentionally.  Well, I guess it is really intentional, because I don't stop myself.  About halfway into our vacation last week I stopped logging in my food and exercise.  I told myself it was because it was too difficult to figure out when we were eating out and such.  I planned to start back up upon returning home.  I haven't.  I've also started snatching small things as I walk past them in the kitchen.  An Oreo cookie here, extra pretzels there.  It's like I'm testing the scale, or something; seeing how far I can push it and still make progress.  Usually when this starts happening, it's all downhill from there.  I can't let that happen this time.  Maybe if I think of tomorrow (my first session with Julie since before vacation) as a re-start....  I'm also worried about starting back up with work in a week and a half.  That will be a change in my workout routine.  I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.  For now, tomorrow's a new day.

Friday --  It was tough getting out of bed this morning, but I had a 9:30am appointment at the gym with Julie.  I'm surprised I got there in time.  As I walked from my car to the door to the gym, I couldn't help but remember my first time walking in. I had felt incredibly self-conscious as I opened the  door and walked in with my walker. I shouldn't have felt that way, though.  Everyone was so welcoming, and nobody looked twice at the walker.  Today I walked directly from the car to the door; I didn't need to walk to the cut out to avoid the curb.  I step up curbs now.  It's liberating.

As I was warming up today, I noticed that my leggings are looser than when I started, even looser than last time I wore them.  Even though I don't think I made any progress, with being on vacation last week, I can not discount the improvements I've experienced since I started.  I must keep this up.

One thing about working out with Julie.  She's not just a personal trainer, she's a friend.  The time seems to go by so quickly because we talk.  She has given me confidence,  and improved my self esteem, today more than ever.  I walked away from our session today with a newfound resolve, and tears in my eyes.  Thank you, Julie.

After my session with Julie today, I got on the recumbent bike for 30 minutes (no hill program) then 50 minutes on the treadmill (at a steady 2.2mph pace, no incline).  I came home exhausted and with a headache (I blame the heat and humidity outside for the headache).

With my resolve back, I will keep with the program.  I won't start back up logging everything I eat or every exercise I do anymore; I want to see how I do with making this a lifestyle change, not just a diary I need to keep that will end.  I want to incorporate these good habits into my life permanently.  I feel as though if I start documenting on MyFitnessPal again, I'll end up quitting, and quitting is not an option.  My next hurdle will be dealing with work when it starts back up in a week and a half, as working all day exhausts me, as does exercise.  How will I be when I do both?  I'll worry about that when the time comes.  As for now, I have a nap to take.

Saturday -- New workout with Julie this morning.  Kicked my butt.  Getting stronger.  💪

Sunday -- I went to the gym this morning.  I did 30 minutes on the recumbent bike (level, no hill program), followed by 25 minutes on the treadmill with the Couch to 5K app,  Week 3 Day 2, before I had to run off to the bathroom.  Drinking water has it's ups and downs.  😏  I wanted to do more; I figured maybe I could fake myself out by getting back on the bike, and acting like I was starting over/just getting there.  I set the bike for the hill program, thinking I'd get 30 minutes in to end up with getting an hour total in.  Well, the 30 minute mark came and went without me seeing it pass (in the past when I've done this, it defaulted to 30 minutes), so I thought I'd fake myself out a little more and go just ten more minutes, three times.  It worked.  I made it 60 minutes on the hill program.  Yes!  To leave or to get back on the treadmill?  Back to the treadmill for 35 minutes to balance out the hour from the earlier 25 minutes.  I kinda of thought I needed to make up for the biking and walking I didn't do yesterday.  Exhausted, sore legs, but feeling accomplished.  The rest of the day was spent in bed.  I planned on just taking a nap but I started to get nervous about a procedure I'm having tomorrow, so I took a Xanax.  That, with the exercising, had me taking a nap until I was woken up for dinner.

And there lies my conflict.  My plan on the start of summer break I had hoped to get to the gym in order to accomplish my goals of ditching the walker, being able to walk up and down stairs/curbs, gaining upper body strength, increasing my stamina, and of course losing weight.  My daily routine has turned in to breakfast - gym - lunch - nap - dinner - bedtime.  Very rarely I will get something small accomplished on those days, such as switching the dishes in the dishwasher.  On the days I don't go to the gym, I do get things done around the house, but not nearly as much as I'd hoped.  (That is, the days I don't have medical appointments to go to.)  I might get a room vacuumed, I might get the kitchen cleaned (everything put away, counters wiped down).  I haven't been able to get upstairs to tackle the laundry room, and the downstairs isn't spotless.  I guess I was a little overly ambitious.  I'm sad that I can't do it all, but I am oh so excited and celebrating the fact that I've accomplished so much in such a short time.  I really wasn't expecting to ditch the walker so soon.  And walking up and down those stairs at work last month.  I can't describe the incredible feeling that was.  I think what I'm trying to say here is that it's a long road, and the goals will be accomplished.   It just might take a while.  #perserverance

Monday morning weigh-in shows a 3 pound loss.  This is over three weeks.  I was on vacation for half of that time.  I'm okay with this.  Frankly, after being on vacation, I was just hoping to not gain any weight.  I'm now at a total of 12.5 pounds lost.  The last time I was at this weight was four years ago when I was undergoing chemo.  I'm at 208 today.  During chemo I got down to 202.  Wow, that day I get under 200, that's going to be a day.  Stay tuned for that!

Non-scale victories 
-- A few weeks ago I told you it was easier to tie my shoes.  Now it's even easier.  I don't need to put my foot up on a step anymore; I can lean down and do it.  Also, I pull the laces a little tighter, like maybe my feet have gotten a little thinner.
-- My bra feels a little looser.
-- I use a beach towel to wrap up in out of the shower.  Not only is there no longer a gap from my belly down, there's an overlap.

Read next:  Gym -- Week 10 Recap


  1. Hi Tammy - so good to hear your updates. Your fitness endeavors are so inspiring. As a fitness enthusiast, it inspires me to see patients who make the effort to be healthier. I used our meeting at the National Field Meeting in a presentation this past weekend with legislators. I had to mention this as an example of the inspiration I have for working at Genentech. Take care!


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