Gym -- November 2019 Recap

I'm going to do this month's recap differently than last month's.  I think it was just too tedious to read it all in that format.  I'm not going to update every day; things will be a little more general this month.

I had sessions at the gym with Julie on the 2nd and the 4th.  The one on the fourth marks us moving from twice per week sessions to once per week sessions.  Not because I'm doing so fabulously 😉 but because the money is running out.  I've been receiving help with paying for these sessions, and there's a limit.  (On a side note, if you'd like to help out with this, as it is improving my quality of life immeasurably, you can help via paypal at  If you'd like to pay the gym directly, contact Julie at World Gym La Plata).  Once per week costs half what twice per week does, so (ideally) I will be able to work with Julie for a longer period of time.  That's in theory.  In reality, I had a session with Julie on Monday the 4th.  I was supposed to go on my own that Friday and work through the list she left for me.  Of course, I didn't go -- it was the day after treatment, and the end of a workweek.  Doubly tired.  I told myself I would go Saturday morning.  I couldn't drag myself out of bed on Saturday until 1:30pm, and that was only because I had to get ready for a wedding that Jimmy and I had been invited to.  Sunday I couldn't get out of bed at all.  Monday I had a phone interview after work, so no time.  Tuesday I skipped the regular yoga class I had scheduled after work to go straight home and expend my limited energy on laundry that desperately needed doing.

Back to the first full week of November.  Monday I had a session with Julie. Tuesday I had yoga at school after work.  I was the only person who showed up, so I had a private lesson.  So cool.  Wednesday I overdid it.  I walked as normal with my friends/co-workers after school for about a half hour.  I took a step class at the gym at 4:30.  It's been quite a few years since I've taken a step class.  I made it thirty minutes before I felt light-headed and stopped.  I walked for another half hour on the treadmill before the yoga class at the gym started.  I made it about a half hour there.  The moves were a little more advanced than the other classes I've taken, and I think I was wiped out from the other things I'd done that day.  When I spoke with my oncologist about it the next day, she agreed that I had tried too much.

The second full week of November.  The tables are turning at my house.  As my husband's condition deteriorates and my quality of life improves, I need to do more around the house.  I've been doing my best with keeping the kitchen clean for awhile, and now I've added laundry, grocery shopping, and dinner preparation in to the mix.  The third week of November found me accompanying my husband to an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon about his debilitating back pain.  I had my weekly session at the gym with Julie, and I walked on Wednesday after work with my co-workers, but that was about it.

The following week was the same, and included Thanksgiving and my every-three-week cancer treatment.  This is when the tide turned back.  Since I'd overdone it a few weeks before, I hadn't gone to the gym except for my once-per-week sessions with Julie.  On Friday, though, the day after Thanksgiving, I went to the gym and did my first solo workout.  Julie refreshed my memory on how to do some of the exercises, and off I went.  It felt so good!  The thing is, getting up and getting to the gym is so difficult some days, but once I'm there and working out, I feel amazing.  Saturday morning I actually set the alarm so that I could get some bike and treadmill time in before I headed to the hospital for treatment.  I lost my mojo three weeks ago when I overdid it, but I found it again with my sessions with Julie, and learning to pace myself.  Slow and steady....

Read next:  December 2019 Recap


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