Going Back to School!

I posted this on my personal Facebook page last night, and have been overwhelmed with the responses.  Everyone has been so, so kind and encouraging.  I thought I'd share it here, because living with a terminal illness is what made me take so long to take the jump after the but was put in my ear, so to speak.  I initially said, "No way!" but after talking with people about it and thinking on it more, I decided that I have nothing to lose!  And, if I am still alive to earn the degree, if I am still alive to obtain a certificated teaching position, that's more income for my family and a higher life insurance policy I leave for my husband.  


You guys. I just have to share. My heart is full. I haven't told many people this, but with the gentle push of certain people -- the one who put the bug in my ear in a conversation in passing, the one who praised me to that person, my co-teacher who calls me a teacher, and my husband (all are on facebook except my co-teacher -- I do hope you see yourselves here) -- I have started taking college classes in the pursuit of a teaching degree. Our union, AFSCME, offers a free college program. It's Eastern Gateway Community College in Ohio. If all goes well and as planned, I should have my AA in Teacher Education by the end of the Fall semester, and then I can transfer to a four year college to finish up. CCPS has a tuition reimbursement program. WooHoo! Yes, I'm only in week 4 of classes, so how am I fitting two years worth of classes into less than a year? Spring 1st eight week session, Spring middle eight week session (they overlap by 6 weeks), Spring last eight week session, summer session, Fall 1st, mid, and last. It's doable because it's all online; I don't have to spend three hours per class actually in a classroom every week.

So, it took me a while to decide to make this jump because I figured I don't have enough time, in two respects. I don't have enough time to complete the classwork because I hold a full time job, do what I can around the house, am trying to get back to regular exercise after my Covid 40 gain (ugh). The big one -- will I be alive to earn the degree? Will I be alive to use the degree? I'm 55 with a terminal illness. Seriously?! Well, time will tell.

This week is the fourth week in my 1st eight week session, and the second week in my 2nd eight week session. I've had a few "what the hell am I thinking?!" conversations with myself. I'm getting it done, though! So far, even assignments that seemed really difficult have been doable. It seems that once I start typing, words flow.

But I digress. I wanted to share this with you, my family and friends. The photo is a screenshot of comments from one of my instructors on an assignment she recently graded. The assignment was to write about what kind of teacher I wanted to be, specifically an early childhood educator. I actually want to teach in a high school -- the high school I currently work at, hopefully. Anyway, this comment really warmed my heart! With the people who have encouraged me to start this process and the people who are encouraging me along the way -- thank you. I think I'm doing the right thing.

PS: the picture she references is one of myself and Mr. Kaple (principal if you don't know) recreating a meme. I had knitted a Wonder Woman shawl and wore it for Character Day during Spirit Week a few years ago. One of the aspects of the assignment was to include a fun picture that represented me. I thought this one was good because it is actually of me at work having fun along with the students during Sprit Week. 


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