It Takes A Village
This blog post has been in my mind for quite some time. When I was asked to speak to the employees of the biotech company that produces my medications, this is the topic I chose. If you are reading this, you are a part of my village. I appreciate each and every one of you. Here is the link to the blog entry about my trip to San Francisco: Visit to Genentech . Here are the highlights of the talk that I gave there: They say it takes a village to raise a child. I also say that it takes a village to care for a sick person. My village starts with my husband, my primary caregiver. This man has been my rock, the person I lean on figuratively and literally. He has come to every single medical appointment I've had. He has dried my tears. He has made me laugh. He has given me strength. I wouldn't have made it through the hell that has been the past year and a half without him. He and my boys. Of course, ...