Super easy breakfast ideas

Overnight Oats

What you'll need:
  • 1/2 cup Almond Milk (you could use any milk; I prefer Almond Milk; it has less calories than regular milk, and it's pretty good when used in this recipe)
  • 1/2 cup Quaker Oats (it's important to use regular, Old Fashioned Oats; instant will turn out mushy)
  • diced fruit (I usually use a half of an apple, or a pear, or a peach)
  • seasonings/spices and/or additives of your choice (I usually use cinnamon sugar; sometimes I'll sprinkle almonds on it in the morning)
  • any container with a lid (it doesn't have to be a mason jar; I use the reusable plastic containers that lunch meat comes in)
Before you go to bed, gather your ingredients. Stir together the milk and the oats, then add the diced fruit, then your seasonings/spices.  Put the lid on the container and put it in the fridge.  It will be ready to eat when you wake up in the morning.  Sometimes I'll grab it and go if I'm late for work and eat it when I get there.

  • If using bananas, add them in the morning; if you add them the night before, they'll become mushy.
  • Same for any nuts you might add -- add them in the morning.
  • Play around with the amounts of the ingredients until you find what you like.  Some people like more or less of a certain ingredient.  Find what you like and go with it.
  • Nice consequence of using half of the fruit as you're preparing it the night before -- use the other half as a healthy bedtime snack. 
  • Google "overnight oats" to find recipes -- there are tons of them out there.
  • Experiment in your kitchen with different combinations of your favorite foods.


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