It's Not All Pretty Pink Ribbons
Here is the link to my caringbridge page on this subject: It's Not All Pretty Pink Ribbons Click there and read that first, then come back here. I have a few things to elaborate on. Let me start by saying, I love pink. Someone gives me something pink, and to me it's a caring gesture; it shows that person cares about me. I wear the necklaces and bracelets. I use the coffee mugs and water bottles, and the badge holder. I write in the journal with the pink pen. My husband wears a pink shirt when he takes me to my medical appointments. I use the shawl and the blankets. The candle sits on my nightstand for when I'm feeling a little nauseous. Whenever I use one of these items, I think of the person who gave them to me with warmth. When I see someone out in public wearing a pink ribbon, there's an instant sense of comradery. Most of the times, we stop and chat, tell our stories to each other. Breast cancer is portr...
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