In Your Face, Cancer!
Last week while at a medical appointment, I was knitting with some very bright pink yarn. The person I was with knows how I feel about "pretty pink ribbons" and how I feel that the awareness campaign needs to shift to a research campaign. So, as I'm knitting with this obnoxiously pink yarn, she remarks on how bright it is. Yep, it sure is bright. Paraphrasing here, she said, "No, it's really bright. It's not frilly light frou frou pink. It's 'In your face, Cancer!' pink. It's 'Take that, Cancer!' pink. It's a good pink for you." So, when I was having a pedicure on Saturday, I was originally going to go with a shade of blue. Did I? Nope. When I related the above story to my wonderful nail stylist, and told her I wanted to find the most obnoxious pink they had, we found this: So, IN YOUR FACE, CANCER! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want a great place for spa services, I highly recommend Nails & F...