A Day in the (Cancer) Life in Pictures -- Scan Day
Today I left my house at 6:45am. I wanted to make sure I had enough time to allow for traffic, and parking in the hospital garage. Arriving around 8:15, I made it there with time to spare. Here's how the day went: First stop: Ground Bles Infusion Center for port access. Next stop: Nuclear Medicine for Bone Scan injection. Next it's Radiology for CT Scan. I practiced walking up and down the ramp a few times. I had time here for lunch, but I forgot to take a picture. Then it was back to Nuclear Medicine for the Bone Scan. Last procedure of the day was at Cardiac Testing for an echocardiogram. Last stop of the day was back to Ground Bles Infusion Center to have the port de-accessed. Stopped at the coffee shop for a treat (and some caffeine) for the ride home. Here I'm in the garage waiting for the van to be brought around. And, 4pm I'm leaving the hospital headed home. Traffic.... Finally a...