100th Treatment!
Before Today's Treatment Today I sit in the chair in the infusion center for the 100th time. (These 100 times are for treatment days; they are not counting the port access or the traveling to the hospital for scan days every three months for the past almost six years.) 100 times receiving the life extending medication keeping the cancer cells in my body from growing. 100 times having my port accessed. 100 times making the drive from Waldorf or La Plata to Georgetown, the past couple of years by myself. 100 times having my feet feel heavier with every step as I walk into the hospital from the parking garage. 100 times walking in to the infusion center to be greeted by name and with smiles. 100 times feeling stressed as my port is accessed (because I'm afraid of needles, and because sometimes the port likes to be troublesome). 100 times sitting in that chair for approximately three hours being fussed over by the staff while the life saving...