Notes From the Infusion Chair -- January 31, 2020
Today is a routine appointment at the clinic, as well as a treatment day. My oncologist is out of the country, so my appointment today was with another doctor. My doctor is due back next week, so my next appointment will be with her. I'm so glad she'll be back. Nothing against the two different people I've seen at my most recent appointments, but I miss my doctor. The appointment today went smoothly. She went over the results of my latest CT scan, bone scan, and echo. Everything is stable. She sent my prescriptions to the pharmacy. All in all, an uneventful appointment. On the way out, I was able to schedule future appointments, through December. My oncologist books up quickly. It feels good to have them scheduled so far in advance. As I sit in the waiting room of the infusion center, I can't help but remember my first few times here. Man, was I scared. I distinctly remember one of ...