Going Back to School!
I posted this on my personal Facebook page last night, and have been overwhelmed with the responses. Everyone has been so, so kind and encouraging. I thought I'd share it here, because living with a terminal illness is what made me take so long to take the jump after the but was put in my ear, so to speak. I initially said, "No way!" but after talking with people about it and thinking on it more, I decided that I have nothing to lose! And, if I am still alive to earn the degree, if I am still alive to obtain a certificated teaching position, that's more income for my family and a higher life insurance policy I leave for my husband. 📚🖉📚🖉📚🖉📚🖉📚🖉📚🖉📚🖉📚🖉📚🖉📚🖉📚 You guys. I just have to share. My heart is full. I haven't told many people this, but with the gentle push of certain people -- the one who put the bug in my ear in a conversation in passing, the one who praised me to that person, my co-teacher who calls me a teacher, and my husba...